Personality Change Paxil 15/09/2002 U.S.A. Woman Becomes Totally Different Person on Paxil Summary:


22 DR. PINE: The next speaker is
1 Charles Carpenter.
2 MR. CARPENTER: Thank you for allowing me
3 this opportunity.
In the spring of 2002, my wife
4 started seeing a psychologist because she would
5 sometimes jump when she was riding in a car, not
6 all the time just once in a while.
7 In the fall of 2002, the psychologist
8 recommended Paxil. Since she couldn't write the
9 prescription, a general practitioner in the clinic
10 wrote it for her. She was assured that Paxil was
11 safe but was told she could experience dry mouth,
12 nausea, and drowsiness.
13 By the end of May 2003, she was a
14 completely different person. Her likes, dislikes,
15 and interests had all changed. Gaping holes had
16 been eroded into the boundaries she had established
17 for the way she lived her life.
18 A person's whose goal it had been for us
19 to work together in our photography studio, who
20 looked forward to the time, extra time, we could
21 spend together on vacation and the person that told
22 my mom when she was dying not to worry that she
1 would always be there to take care of me, just
2 walked away -- not just from me but from everything
3 and everyone that had been important in her life.
4 (Crying) I knew something was wrong
5 other than the obvious, but at the time I had no
6 idea it was the Paxil. I frantically searched for
7 answers, but answers were scarce.
8 The person who had always been so close
9 for so long suddenly saw me as the source of
10 everything that had ever happened bad in her life.
11 Don't misunderstand me. I am not being
12 critical of my wife. She had no idea when she took
13 that first pill what laid in store for her because
14 she wasn't adequately warned. We didn't know.
15 A few weeks later, I went to the doctor
16 and he prescribed Zoloft®. I took the sample pack,
17 and I got the prescription filled twice. Most of
18 the second prescription I still have. The reason
19 for that is because I became suicidal.
20 I wrote and I changed the lyrics to songs
21 to reflect what I wanted to do. Then, one day the
22 police showed up at work to check on me. I
1 convinced them I was fine and went back to work.
2 I knew then that I couldn't be alone for
3 extended periods of time, so I stayed with family
4 members. I continued to do research. I found on
5 the Internet mentions of SSRIs and suicide. I
6 decided to get off the Zoloft.
7 DR. PINE: Thank you.