Death Prozac 15/02/1995 Pennsylvania 9 Year Old Boy Dies From Prozac Toxicity Summary:

In the book, “Better Than Prozac”, by Samuel H. Barondes, on pages 129 & 130 of the hardback edition for 2003, it states:
"When Michael Adams-Conroy, a nine-year-old boy from Martins Creek, Pennsylvania, arrived at the emergency room of a nearby hospital in February 1995, he was already dead.  As in other cases of mysterious death, the county coroner ordered an autopsy.  Based on the results, a homicide investigation was begun.  Michael’s adoptive parents were the leading suspects."
"Homicide was considered because test of Michaels’ blood showed that he had been poisoned by Prozac, the drug he had been taking for several years as a treatment for obsessive-compulsive disorder.  Although Prozac is thought of as being very safe, because even large overdoses rarely produce fatal blood levels,  Michael had more of the rug in his blood than had ever been seen before.  The police speculated that Michael’s parents might have deliberately given him a massive overdose."
"Pleading innocence, the Adams-Conroys sought help from experts who specialize in toxic reactions to drugs.  They immediately offered an alternative explanation:  Michael might have accumulated Prozac in his blood not because of a malicious overdose but, instead, because he lacked the enzyme that metabolizes the drug and leads to its excretion.  Such an enzyme deficiency would be particularly dangerous because Michael’s psychiatrist had been prescribing unusually large dose of Prozac – up to five times the amount Clara is taking.  The combination of large doses of the drug and the inability to metabolize it would explain Michael’s lethal blood level."
"To evaluate Michael’s ability to metabolize Prozac, a sample of his tissue was sent to Floyd Sallee at the University of Cincinnati.  Sallee tested the tissue for an enzyme called cytochrome-P450-2D6 [also called CYP2D6 or 2D6], which converts Prozac and many other drugs to a form that leads to their excretion.  He found that Michael’s 2D6 was defective.  Together with the high doses of Prozac that Michael received, his abnormal 2D6 was responsible for the fatal buildup of the drug."
"Based on this evidence, the homicide investigation was closed, and the Adams-Conroys filed a malpractice lawsuit against Michael’s psychiatrist.  They charged that the doctor had negligently prescribed excessive doses of Prozac and did not deal properly with signs of toxicity that culminated in the seizures that caused Michael’s death.  The case was settled out of court."