Violence & Suicide Attempt Prozac 14/10/1989 Missouri Woman Tries to Injure Husband & Self Violence & Suicide Attempt Prozac 1989-10-14 Missouri Woman Tries to Injure Husband & Self Summary:

DR. CASEY: Mr. Donnelly, thank you very much for

your comments. We appreciate your time. Miss Irene Dotson?

MS. DOTSON: Good morning. My name is Irene

Dotson. I came with my 10-year-old son and my sister from

Jefferson City, Missouri, to share a personal experience

that I had while taking Prozac.

In 1989 I was working at a very high-pressure job.

I was working for the Missouri Department of Social

Services. I was managing an apartment complex and I was

working on my

master?s. Things were going pretty good but it was very

stressful. I finally just decided I?ve got to go to the

doctor and talk to my doctor and find out why I?m not being able to

handle this. I?ve handled much more in the past.

The doctor told me that this wonderful new drug

Prozac would really get me through this rough time that I was

having and just to bear with it. He said it?s sort of slow,

you know, getting it started. It may take a while

before you see any help, but once you take it, you will


I help my husband and my son at managing this apartment

complex, we work side by side day after day -- we had a very

healthy, happy family. Once I began taking the Prozac that

all changed. I underwent this complete personality change.

I became paranoid, I wanted to avoid everyone -- I stayed in

my bedroom -- I wouldn?t answer the door, I didn?t go to see

anyone, not even When I should have and it was always

like a videotape, playing in my head every night,

I just couldn?t deal with my son or my husband.

I started having these nightmares of dying --

of me dying, different ways, it was almost

like a horror movie being run through my head

so then I didn?t want to go to sleep. I

just wanted to stay up all the time. That didn?t help.

I didn?t know what to do about it, so I decided that

I was just going to go ahead and take care of myself and that

everyone else could just forget me. I was just going to take

care of myself and get through this. And that is not typical

of me and it?s not typical of me to ignore my friends and my

family, and I was putting them through a very, very bad time.

It seemed like everyone was trying to push me over

the edge. In citing one incident, which became a very violent

time, my husband and I had what would have been a minor

disagreement, say, six months before taking Prozac. On Prozac, I

attacked him with a kitchen knife. Luckily, he?s bigger and

stronger than I am and he defended himself, but I did this

right in front of my son. Whenever I was stopped, I thought,

"I can?t believe what I?m doing. I don?t believe what I?m

doing. This is wrong."

Then I decided that I was going to kill myself. My

doctor had prescribed nerve medicine for me -- I think it was
Ativan. I had just had the bottle filled that day and had

hundred pills in it. And so I went and I took all hundred

pills, right in front of my son and right in front of my

husband. I was really lucky, because my husband forced me

to go to the emergency room, They saved me.

They told me that I could have had

brain damage severely. We have put our life back together,

but I?m sure that those incidents were caused by Prozac. Thank you.