Mania Prozac 13/09/1990 U.S.A. Woman Has Manic Reaction to Prozac Summary:

CASEY : Thank you. Suzanne Johnson, please?

JOHNSON: My name is Suzanne Johnson I come

before you today, my judge and and jury, pleading not only for my

life but literally

thousands of others. As I stand before your firing squad, I

must cry to be heard. I don't deserve this. Nobody does.

Only God has the power to pick who lives and who dies. Who do

you think you are? God?

My Prozac nightmare is beyond description. There is

no known vocabulary to describe what has happened. Prozac has

altered the entire course of my life. I'll never, ever be the

same. Prozac has destroyed every hope of me having any kind

of normalcy in my life. Gone are my carefree days, never,

ever to return.

I was told that Prozac had no side effects, except

for possible weight loss. No withdrawals and no addictive

potential. I literally quote my physician, "Suzanne,

sometimes patients lose 5 percent of their body weight, but

then we can never be too rich or too thin, can we?"

Looking back, the emotional side effects began

immediately. My wild spending started within a week of my

starting on Prozac. I began lending sums of money to

people when I didn't have the money to spare. I went on

credit card binges that will takes years to pay off. I even

purchased a opera length black gamma mink coat.

Also, here come the mood elevations and

irresponsible behavior. I had become impervious to any type

of normal thinking. I was totally out of control. My friends

were aghast at my deteriorating mental state, but were afraid

to say anything to me about it because of my agitated state of mind.

In my own thoughts I had become superior, almost godlike. All

semblances of religious faith were torn to shambles,

literally nonexistent. Now my love of God was masked, total

masked by darkness by Eli Lilly’s devil Prozac.

During this time it is a miracle I did not harm

myself or others. I had become a menace to society, and the

FDA is allowing this to happen. I want to know why. On

September 3, 1991, the United European Parliament recommended

to the member countries where Prozac is authorized to look

into Eli Lilly’s killer drug and recommend discontinuation of

Prozac in its present form. What happened to America, the

beautiful land of the free? This totals 23 -- 23 -- western

European countries

Do they care more about their people than you do

about yours? We've become so money-oriented that

money, the money, the money, let’s have the money.

I don't understand.

The FDA is calling for retraction of various food

products, citing false and misleading advertising. What about

false and misleading advertising concerning Prozac? Look at

this brochure. It’s a school teacher. She can't sleep, so

she’s going to take Prozac so she can function properly. You

open your mouth, you pop a pill, and the world becomes rose-colored

again. I wouldn't want anybody on Prozac to teach my

children. I don’t think you would, either.

Allen Gellsberg from your office sent around a fax

on July 2, 1991, and stated that since Prozac was introduced

in 1988 more adverse side effects have been reported than any

other drug. I wish you would stop this atrocity now. How

many more people are going to be killed and maimed before you

do something? You have the power to change things. You have

the power to listen to what we say and investigate what we

say. We need help.

My nightmare continues. Each step I take today is

a borrowed step from God. Last November I was hospitalized

with an hematocrit of 9000, a hemoglobin of 2500, and a white

count of 1100. I am here today at great personal risk with

During my ingestation of Prozac my bone marrow was

being eaten up. I was so high on Prozac that I noticed no

physical symptoms.

Please take Prozac off the market. Imagine my

dismay when I was alerted to the fact that bone marrow donors

are being accepted that are on Prozac therapy.

When someone

undergoes a transplant, the young mother, the father, the

child, and the cause of death is listed as complications of

bone marrow transplant, when in fact it could have been cause

by marrow that --

DR. CASEY: One minute, please.

MS. JOHNSON: This madness has got to stop. You are

holding, you guys are holding a loaded gun in my hands at my

temple. You’re playing Russian roulette with my life. Maybe

the next time the chamber won' be empty. Without a medical

miracle, it’s too late for me now. Withdraw Prozac from the

market before it harms anybody else, before other blood is on

your hands, because my blood is already on your hands.

DR. CASEY: Thank you.