Nightmares/Children Antidepressants 08/01/2009 Global Mayo Clinic Lists Antidepressants as a Drug That Can Cause Nightmares in Children
Paragraph one reads: "
Though normally a person has nothing to worry about from a nightmare, it can be an unsettling, if not frightening, experience for a child. Several factors can spark the mind into nightmare mode."
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Some medications, such as certain antidepressants, narcotics and barbiturates.",0,2284936.story Parenting: Six common causes for kids' nightmares
- January 7, 2009
Though normally a person has nothing to worry about from a nightmare, it can be an unsettling, if not frightening, experience for a child. Several factors can spark the mind into nightmare mode.
The Mayo Clinic offers a list of some key situations, experiences and conditions that sometimes can cause a nightmare:
The ordinary stresses of daily life, such as a problem at home or school, a move or the death of a loved one.
A traumatic event, such as an accident or injury.
Taking in a horror movie or reading a scary book before bedtime.
A bite to eat right before bed, which boosts the body's metabolism and brain activity.
An illness accompanied by a fever.
Some medications, such as certain antidepressants, narcotics and barbiturates.