Suicide Paxil 02/09/2003 U.S.A. Woman Hangs Self Summary:

DR. GOODMAN:  Speaker number 30, please.

                MS. HATCHER:  My name is Beverly Hatcher

      and I want to tell you how Paxil destroyed my

      mother's life.  She was a normal, healthy person

      who loved life to the utmost.  She loved to eat,

      cook, travel and talk on the phone.  She had a

      smile for everyone that she met.  She had no

      history of mental illness.

                In 1997, after my dad died, she moved from

      North Carolina to live with me, in Virginia.  She

      soon found work but later chose to retire.  She

      soon ran across another one of her childhood

      sweethearts.  They began to travel everywhere.

      This was life before Paxil.  On August 18, 2003,

      she was prescribed Paxil because of a small bout of

      depression that was due because of a heart attack

      of her closest cousin.  She quickly

transformed                                                                  into someone that began to complain of having

      constant bad dreams, having no appetite, being

      nervous, hearing voices.  She stopped taking baths

      at night and bit her nails down to nubs.  She said

      she thought things were crawling all over her and

      that she was losing her mind.  Nothing mattered

      anymore.  These were not normal signs of normal


                On September 2nd, 2003, the day before her

      daughter's birthday, she hung herself in that

      daughter's basement.  This was 16 days afte

      starting Paxil.  She was only 60.  How did Paxil

      get the FDA stamp of approval and make it to

      market?  How or why would any healthcare provider

      prescribe such a medicine capable of causing this?

      As a nurse and healthcare provider myself, we take

      an oath to save life, not destroy it.

                Are drug companies providing the FDA and

      healthcare providers all the facts about Paxil?

      No.  Drug companies are not telling the truth to

      the FDA, healthcare providers and certainly not to

      consumers because they have figured out a way

      around all the loopholes.  In this case, the FDA's

      guidelines are meaningless and they contain even

      bigger loopholes.

                To the FDA, we will never understand why

      this had to happen to us.  There is no excuse.  It

      was your job to protect my mother and not the drug

      company's profits.  Because of this, we will be

      motherless for the rest of our lives.  Nothing can

      change that.  When will enough be enough?  Stop

      taking innocent lives.

                To the drug companies, and especially to

      the FDA, this T-shirt sums up how we, the family of

      Barbara Jean Darton, feel about Paxil.  The back

      reads "cocaine is an illegal drug that kills."  On

      the front it reads, "Paxil is a legal drug that

      kills."  Don't put another family through this.

      Remove Paxil from society.  Until then, remember

      the faith and the message of this T-shirt and do

      the right thing.  Sincerely, in memory of my

      mother, Ms. Barbara Jean Darden.  Thank you.