Murder Antidepressant 10/05/2005 Texas Man Murders Three People Summary:

The 2nd paragraph reads: "He was also a man on several medications like Anti depressants, painkillers and blood pressure pills. "

The 4th paragraph reads: "Psychiatrist George Seiden says mixing drugs sometimes affects the rate chemicals in the drug leave your body. "His levels were raised sufficiently that he was more irritable and more agitated" says Seiden."

Prescription For Anger

Bert Mercer`s lawyer was ready to argue the medication his client took, made him kill. Bert Mercer is known now as a confessed 3 time murderer.
He was also a man on several medications like Anti depressants, painkillers and blood pressure pills. Mercer was on about 6 different medications at the time of his killing spree.
Psychiatrist George Seiden says mixing drugs sometimes affects the rate chemicals in the drug leave your body. "His levels were raised sufficiently that he was more irritable and more agitated" says Seiden.
Seiden says the medication didn`t make Mercer kill.
Murder is how he dealt with the anger the pills may have caused.
"It`s not a Dr. Jeckle and Mr. Hyde thing that if you take this pill you suddenly become a monster. What I`m talking about are sometimes subtle sometimes less subtle affects on mood and behavior.
Seiden says Anti Depressants, Anti Anxiety medication and some blood pressure pills are the ones you have to be careful about mixing with other drugs.
To avoid the wrong mix of meds, Seiden says it`s important to let your doctor know about every medication your on.
Pharmacies do have computer systems that can alert of side effects of certain prescription combinations.