Anxiety SSRI & SNRI Antidepressants 09/03/2010 Global ++Anxiety Increased by SSRIs & SNRIs: Could Lead to Suicide: ISR Veterans's Study
Anxiety SSRI & SNRI Antidepressants 2010-03-09 Global ++Anxiety Increased by SSRIs & SNRIs: Could Lead to Suicide: ISR Veterans’s Study [Light Red] ++ Indicates an important journal article.


Paragraphs 3 & 4 read:  "Previous studies have shown that individuals with anxiety disorders are at higher risk for suicide, as are those with psychiatric disorders, especially depressive disorders."

" 'Antidepressant medications reduce symptoms of depression, but there are now concerns that treatment with these agents may increase rather than decrease the risk for suicide, especially when treatment is initiated or medication dosages changed,' noted Zhiguo Li, PhD, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Antidepressant Initiation May Raise Risk for Anxiety in Depressed Patients: Presented at ADAA