Death Antidepressant 06/02/2001 New York 10 Year Old Girl Dies in Mother's Arms From Toxicity of Antidepressant Summary:

First paragraph reads:  "MS. WEATHERS:  My name is Patricia
      Weathers.  I am a New York mother and president and
      co-founder of, a national grassroots
      parent organization representing over 900 members,
      such as Mrs. Vicky Dunkle whose 10 year-old
      daughter died in her mother's arms as a direct
      result of the antidepressant prescribed her.

DR. GOODMAN:  Thank you.  Speaker 65,
                MS. WEATHERS:  My name is Patricia
      Weathers.  I am a New York mother and president and
      co-founder of, a national grassroots
      parent organization representing over 900 members,
      such as Mrs. Vicky Dunkle whose 10 year-old
      daughter died in her mother's arms as a direct
      result of the antidepressant prescribed her.
                I am one of the lucky ones.  My child is
      still alive.  My own story has been featured on
      "Good Morning, America," "The Today Show," A&E
      investigative reports and "The New York Times,"
      just to name a few.  I have testified before state
      legislatures and twice before Congress.  My
      activism began after my son's school coerced me to
      place him on Ritalin, a drug that caused him to
      become extremely withdrawn.  The school
      psychologist and psychiatrist then diagnosed him
      with social anxiety disorder and recommended Paxil
      as a, quote, wonder drug for kids.
                On Paxil, he began hearing voices in his
      head, drew violent pictures and even attacked me.
      I could no longer recognize my own son.  He pleaded
      with me at one point, "Mom, make it stop."  I
      finally realized that it was the Paxil that put him
      in a drug-induced psychosis so, naturally, I
      removed him from the drug.  I was then charged with
      medical neglect when there was no proof that
      anything was medically wrong with him.  I soon
      discovered social anxiety disorder, like bipolar
      disorder and attention deficit disorder, are not
      medical conditions.  Parents are told that their
      child has a chemical imbalance or a neurobiological
      illness.  We risked our child's life based on this
      fundamental lie.
                I now know this is not true but, more
      importantly, so do you.  The FDA is well aware that
      there are no x-rays, biopsies, blood tests or brain
      scans that verify these mental disorders as a
      disease or illness.  My point is simple.  The FDA
      should not be condoning or approving these drugs
      without evidence of disease, illness or physical
      abnormality that would justify risking our
      children's lives with a harmful and potentially
      lethal drug.
                We are gathered here today, discussing
      warning labels on antidepressant drugs.  Why?  The
      FDA had enough evidence 14 years ago to issue these
      warning labels on these drugs and you know this.
      Now the FDA must do more.  The FDA's own mission
      statement says that it is responsible for helping
      the public get accurate science-based information.
      It is failing.  The FDA is risking our children's
      lives based on nothing more than junk science.  The
      FDA is responsible for protecting the public
      health, not vested interests.  I remind you that
      children's lives are in your hands and I call...