School Shooting SSRI 19/02/2010 Finland **On Sept. 23, 2008 a Finnish Student Shot & Killed 9 Students Before Killing Himself
School Shooting |
2010-02-19 |
Finland |
**On Sept. 23, 2008 a Finnish Student Shot & Killed 9 Students Before Killing Himself [Blue] ** Indicates a school shooting or school incident. |
On September 23, 2008, at Kauhajoki in Finland, a 22 year old culinary student named Matti Saari shot and killed ten students before killing himself. The official report on the shooting has been released by the Finnish Ministry and on page 58 of that report [PDF file] it states that Matti Saari was taking an SSRI medicinal product and also a benzodiazepine.
Following the official report is another newspaper report attached to this email which also explains about the SSRI.
Automatically translated from Finnish into English.
Page 58 reads: "Copies terveyskeskuslääkäri was ordered medicines at the request of depressiohoitajan
are (ssri- medicinal product) that ahdistuskohtauksiin (alpratsolaami) patients nothing themselves.
ahdistuskohtaukset and paniikkihäiriöt esiintymistilanteisiin and related, social situations
that well alone. verkostokartoituksessa months before taking any
factor network has proved to be quite a present. Apparently factor which
medicines used properly and in any case, we had hoitomyönteinen use and open. However, he
has avoided katsekontaktia depressiohoitajaan. hoitokontakti retained until an act, but
factor will act was passed on a Friday meeting agreed later." ; filename=OMSO 11_2010 Selvitys_180 s.pdf&SSURIsscontext=Satellite Server&blobwhere=1266333385256&blobheadername1=Content-Disposition&ssbinary=true&blobheader=application/pdf
koulusurmaajan medication aggression
ssri- may increase does not recommend medicinal products in the United States
a young people a 04: 03 (last 08: 08)
figure: anu Mattila
kauhajoella ten people in 2008 and itself was fired by Matti Saari mielenterveysongelmiinsa tried to obtain aid until 13-age.
freija metsähalme
kauhajoen koulusurmaaja Matti island ssri- ate are medicinal product which is not in the United States to recommend to less than 18 years of age.
ssri- medicines are available in the wider young people in Finland.
-according to the studies uncontrolled use of medicinal products ssri- aggression and may increase itsetuhoisia incentives. These medicinal products should always be used only under medical supervision. under 15 years of age should be a specialist, under the supervision Kuopion university hospital (PCA) nuorisopsykiatrian Professor Päivikki laukkanen says.
Island psyykelääkityksen had nothing ever in specialised doctors
terveyskeskuslääkäri was ordered him on request. medication depressiohoitajan the medicinal product ssri- grant ate ahdistuskohtauksiin another medicinal product.
22-year-old island kauhajoella killed in September 2008 and itself ten people.