Burglary & Assault Med For Depression 20/05/2009 Iowa Police Shoot & Kill Man Involved in Home Invasions and Molestations
Second paragraph from the end reads: "The search warrants also say Harvell told his girlfriend he had been having nightmares about burglaries and sexual assaults. He was also taking medication for depression ."
Counselor Reacts To Search Warrant Details
Information Brings Closure In Case
POSTED: 7:47 am CDT May 20, 2009
UPDATED: 8:12 am CDT May 20, 2009
WEST DES MOINES, Iowa -- West Des Moines Police shot and killed 36-year-old Adam Harvell over a week ago.
West Des Moines Police say Adam Harvell pointed a gun that fired blanks at them and yelled "I'm going to kill you." Police fired back 25 times on the second floor of his Glen Oaks townhouse and killed him. Experts wonder if it was "suicide by cop".
"What could he have been thinking? To point anything that could resemble a gun at police officers is not what you want to do, and that sounds like he had no regard for life at that point," said Polk County victim counselor Kate Gilmore.
Gilmore's office has been counseling Adam Harvell's assault victims for the past several months. New search warrants answer many troubling questions they might have. Police say Harvell's longtime girlfriend Laura Maring told police they were not getting along after she noticed Harvell leaving at strange hours, coming home with cuts on his hands and fingers and having money he couldn't account for.
Maring finally called police, but could never have guessed what would eventually happen to the father of their 10-year-old girl.
Polk County victim counselor Kate Gilmore
"My heart goes out to her. I can't imagine what is going through her mind. She was trying to do the right thing and it ended up very sad," said Gilmore.
The search warrants also reveal how police knew they had the right man. They showed Maring a photo of a black leather glove, and stocking cap and bandanna left at several crime scenes. Maring told police they all belonged to her boyfriend, Adam Harvell.
The search warrants also say Harvell told his girlfriend he had been having nightmares about burglaries and sexual assaults. He was also taking medication for depression.
DNA samples also link Harvell to three of the sexual assaults in West Des Moines.